september 2020
ראש השנה תשפא

We are excited to report that Kol Tzofayich’s students enthusiastically returned to school kicking off our third year of operation! The program continues to develop its innovative, stimulating, and effective approach to Jewish Education. We are so proud and thankful to share notable achievements as we look ahead to the coming school year!
Student Body In just 3 years we have grown from 30 to 150+ students in grades 7-10!
Dormitory 50 students from as far away as Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Katzrin and Modiin are able to participate in Kol Tzofayich thanks to our updated residential facility and a wonderfully dedicated staff.
Educators Inspired and innovative teachers from around the country have joined our team teaching Math, Science, Judaics and English. They are excited to work in the Kol Tzofayich environment which encourages openness and creativity.
Community Our parent body along with students, faculty, and volunteers has developed into a significant network of support.
“Avira” The warmth and enthusiasm for learning and religious experience help students feel welcome and motivated to learn and grow. They really love coming to school!
Integration Our students share classroom time, outings and innovative cultural programming with students from the FSU, India and Ethiopia studying in the on-campus program for Olim (new immigrants).
Experiential Workshops Students are given a wide range of opportunities to learn and integrate new skills through hands-on learning in our one-of-kind vocational workshops
Of course we can only continue to serve our students, and attract the best and brightest teachers, with your partnership. Your support for this coming year at Kol Tzofayich is needed so we can:
Complete the Experiential Workshops Our hands-on workshops which include welding, carpentry, CNC product design, cosmetology, mechanics, robotics, 3D printing, and agriculture require upgrades, equipment and staff. Current crises brought on by the Corona pandemic have highlighted the need for students to acquire both tangible and analytical skills to think about, address, and solve problems. The completed workshops will serve as an eventual revenue stream to support the entire operation.
*Donation Target: $150,000*
Create a Beit Midrash like no other! The Kol Tzofayich “limud” (study) venue will ensure that all our students, of diverse cultural backgrounds, have the opportunity to deeply explore and build their Jewish identity, values and knowledge. This requires specialized staff, an expanded multi-lingual resource center, and of course a steady supply of refreshments and sundries to make it the most welcoming place to be!
*Donation Target: $50,000*
As we approach the New Year and reflect upon the past and prepare for the future, it is evident that Medinat Yisrael, our Homeland, is in desperate need of the future leaders which Kol Tzofayich is presently producing. Your help is critical to make a brighter future a reality.
קול צופיך (Kol Tzofayich) “the voice of the harbinger”, is the premier, pioneering, educational initiative that we believe can change society. We value your partnership. As the passage in Isaiah emphasizes, יחדיו ירננו, together, with the harbinger, we will lift our voices in song as a new reality emerges!
קול צופיך נשאו קול יחדו ירננו כי עין בעין יראו בשוב ה' ציון: ישעיהו פרק נב
Wishing all a happy and healthy New Year!
Yehuda & Adina Rothner