The Kol Tzofayich Program aims to combine experiential and interdisciplinary learning in order to create a compelling and relevant educational atmosphere on both an academic and religious level. The goal is for every student to graduate with 1) a bagrut (academic matriculation), 2) a certification in a vocation of choice, and 3) be well grounded and accomplished in Judaic sources and values.
Kol Tzofayich also strives to be a nexus of Israel's cultural and socio-economic mosaic. We are proud to be part and parcel of the larger school in Kfar Hasidim which serves mostly immigrant populations from the Former Soviet Union, Ukraine, Ethiopia, and India (Bnei Menashe). Our students share the same school building, study together in various classes, and participate in many joint extra-curricular activities.
The Kfar (village), being a complete campus - not just a building, creates as immersive environment where work and study go hand in hand. A learning environment that is based on the synergy of knowledge and tangible expertise, where students are educated to synthesize information and skills, will best prepare our youth for the ever-changing challenges that lie ahead.